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How We Can Help Your Tendonitis

glowing red elbow painIf you have tendonitis, you may find yourself in a great deal of pain. This condition can be chronic and may need treatment to relieve ongoing pain. Richmond Hill chiropractor Dr. Ronnie Chan and his team will assess your pain and create a treatment plan to relieve your elbow pain, knee pain, or any other areas that may be in pain because of tendonitis.

Common Symptoms

Tendonitis can occur anywhere in the body, but most cases occur in the wrist, rotator cuff, elbow (often called tennis elbow), knee, achilles, hip, and thumb. If you are experiencing pain in any of the areas or have some of these symptoms, you should consult our team for a health assessment. You may be experiencing this condition if you have symptoms like:

  • Feelings of pain or burning near or around joints and tendons
  • Swelling around the tendon
  • Feeling a grating sensation when you move the tendon
  • Pain after a strenuous activity
  • Pain worsens when you move

Who Is Most at Risk?

Those that are more at risk of getting tendonitis are typically over the age of 40. That is when your tendons begin to weaken due to age. Those that are active in sports, do a lot of household chores, or other activities including gardening and carpentry are also at risk. Any repetitive motion and overuse can cause pain and lead to this type of disfunction.

Many people find that strengthening the tendon through prescribed low-impact exercises can be beneficial and lead to a reduction of pain, strengthening the tendon, and a reduction of inflammation. Our team will work with you to find an exercise treatment that is right for you.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Once our chiropractor confirms that you are suffering from tendonitis, we can provide you with quality pain relief. Treatments may include Activator methods chiropractic adjustment, physical therapy, massage therapy and/or traditional Chinese acupuncture.

Contact Us Today

You do not have to suffer from pain associated with tendon problems, contact our office for help. You can download and complete the preliminary paperwork. Contact us today to see how we can help you get back to living pain-free.



Tendonitis Treatment in Richmond Hill ON | (905) 707-8328