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Sisters on piggybackIf you have moderate or severe scoliosis, you probably experience frequent back pain. Chiropractic care can be used for pain management, and we can diagnose and treat this debilitating condition with focused, gentle care.

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis involves irregular spinal curvature that often occurs just before puberty. Severe cases can limit space in the chest, resulting in respiratory distress. Cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy may cause scoliosis but the cause of most cases remains unknown. Fortunately, most children only have mild cases. However, some deformities get worse as a child continues to grow.

Chiropractic care for pain management can alleviate the pain associated with the disease.

If you need help identifying the signs of this condition, contact our chiropractor in Richmond Hill.

A few common ways to identify it are:

  • Uneven shoulders
  • Uneven waist
  • One shoulder blade is prominent
  • One hip sits higher

As the problem worsens, the spine rotates and curves. Additionally, the child’s ribs stick out more on one side.

Scoliosis tends to run in families. Other causes include the following:

  • Cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy
  • Infections in the spine
  • Birth defects
  • Injuries

It isn’t always easy to recognize these slight changes as the curve starts subtly. If your child experiences pain due to scoliosis, schedule an appointment for chiropractic care right away. This provides relief without the use of drugs or surgery. Feel free to ask us about our non-invasive treatment options.

The chiropractor corrects misalignments and makes adjustments, carefully manipulating the injured areas of the spine. Spinal realignment decreases pressure on the joints and nerves. In turn, this improves the flow of nutrients throughout the spinal column. Besides scoliosis pain management, we can improve your overall spinal health.

Spinal adjustments involve the forcible movement of the vertebrae to realign the spine. Our chiropractor uses gentle pressure for children and adults alike.

Schedule an Appointment Today

There is a pain treatment plan that will work best for your condition, whether it’s mild, moderate, or severe. Our board-certified chiropractor may also provide exercise and diet instructions to help your body produce the nutrients needed to heal properly. For non-invasive scoliosis pain management and all your chiropractic care needs, contact us to schedule an appointment.



Scoliosis Pain Management in Richmond Hill ON | (905) 707-8328