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Discover Natural Relief with Chiropractic

Smiling ladies on beachFibromyalgia can rob you of your comfort, functionality, productivity, and quality of life. If you currently suffer from this disabling syndrome, then you already know how devastating it can be for you. Unfortunately, the difficulty in confirming a formal medical diagnosis can force you to wait for months before you receive treatment. Here at Spinalcare Chiropractic Clinic, however, you don’t have to experience these roadblocks to wellness. Our Richmond Hill chiropractor can move ahead with safe, natural treatment techniques that help your body function more normally and with less pain.

Fibromyalgia and the Musculoskeletal System

This condition can be complex to diagnose, and its causes and triggers are often mysterious. They’re believed to result from gender factors and physical or emotional trauma. They can also be caused by a reduction of serotonin, which is the chemical that promotes good feelings, and from excess Substance P, which is a substance that makes people more sensitive to pain.

This imbalance can prove disastrous for the musculoskeletal system. The body reacts by creating muscle knots called tender points, which can produce pain anywhere on your body. Tingling, numbness, and stiffness are other common discomforts associated with fibromyalgia. You may suffer from chronic insomnia, which only aggravates other common symptoms, chronic fatigue and “brain fog.” You may even develop symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Our Chiropractor Can Help You Feel Better

Getting medical treatment for fibromyalgia can be more of an uphill battle than you realize. Current medical protocols require you to display tender points in all four quadrants of the body for at least three months before an official diagnosis can be made. Until that day arrives, you may be left to struggle against your symptoms. Thankfully, our chiropractor doesn’t face those same restrictions.

That’s because we can simply focus on improving your nerve function, soft tissue comfort, and systemic wellness, which naturally helps your body cope more successfully.

Chiropractic adjustments may prove especially helpful for relief. Many fibromyalgia patients have some degree of cervical stenosis, a narrowing of the cervical spinal canal that affects nerve signaling. By addressing this problem, we can relieve neurological symptoms and boost your systemic health. Chiropractic care also works hand-in-hand with massage therapy. Our massage techniques can relax muscle knots, easing tender points and reducing your symptoms. They can also improve your sleep quality.


While this may be a chronic issue, it’s also a manageable one when you have the right Richmond Hill chiropractor behind you. Call Spinalcare Chiropractic Clinic at (905) 707-8328 to schedule a consultation.


Fibromyalgia Treatment in Richmond Hill ON | (905) 707-8328