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Office worker wrist painArthritis affects millions of people of all ages, and it is often very difficult to deal with daily. Here at Spinalcare Chiropractic Clinic, we offer many alternative treatment options that can help make living with arthritis possible.

What is Arthritis?

Typically referred to as an inflammation in the joint that causes extreme pain, this condition can limit motion, cause swelling, and trigger pain that keeps you up at night.

Common causes are wear and tear of the joints, a reduction of cartilage, and an autoimmune disorder that attacks the body’s soft tissues.

Symptoms may vary with each person as there are various types of arthritis. However, common symptoms include stiffness or swelling of the joints, joint pain, red skin around the affected joint, loss of appetite, inflammation, fatigue, and loss of range of motion.

Some people are more prone to this condition than others. If you have a family history of arthritis, you are more likely to suffer from it as well. Age, obesity, and an injury to the joint are also risk factors.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Arthritis is not a condition that you have to suffer from forever. With the right care, you can manage your symptoms. While injections and medications are methods of treatment that can help with the pain, chiropractic care uses natural techniques and therapies to help improve your health and reduce your pain.

When you visit us for care, Richmond Hill chiropractor Dr. Chan will first conduct an exam to find the root cause of your pain. Afterward, he will tailor a treatment plan to help manage your condition. Our doctor can loosen the joints, increase and restore range of motion, lessen pain and discomfort, and reduce inflammation with adjustments, massage, acupuncture, and corrective exercises. We can even teach you different methods to relieve your pain in between sessions.

Call Us Today If You Are Suffering From JOINT PAIN

Don’t let the pain caused by arthritis interfere with your life. With the help of our chiropractor at Spinalcare Chiropractic Clinic in Richmond Hill, we can enhance your quality of life and manage your symptoms. Don’t wait another day to make an appointment, call us today at (905) 707-8328 to schedule one. We are here to help you live a life free of pain.


Arthritis Treatments in Richmond Hill ON | (905) 707-8328